The craft museum in Gullabo

In Gullabo one can visit the amazing craft museum run by Henning Persson. Gullabo has a long history of craft. Twenty or thirty years ago there would be busloads of people coming to Gullabo for the craft according to Henning Persson. Twice a year, in summer and winter, there was a large craft fair. In July 2000 the largest wooden spoon in the world was unveiled at the fair. It was made by local craftspeople and is now in the Guinness Book of World Records. The spoon can be seen as you drive into Gullabo.

Henning Persson is a trained country craftsman and was a crafts teacher for 32 years. For many years he ran Gullabo’s school of wood carving where young people came to learn the craft. On six different occasions he went to areas in the US where many Swedes had historically settled, to share his knowledge. The many items he kept receiving from crafts people became the starting point for the craft museum. Today these objects form the core of the museum’s rich, lively and varied collection.


(Re-)learning the Archive

is a three-year long development project run by Designarkivet in Pukeberg with support from the Swedish Arts Council and Region Kalmar län (Kalmar County Council).

Christina Zetterlund
Project Manager

Maija Zetterlund
Project Coordinator  

In collaboration with

Virserums konsthall
Linnaeus University
Kalmar Konstmuseum

Designer in residence:
Evelina Mohei
Design and webb:
Mika Kastner Johnson

With support from 

Region kalmar läns logotyp
Kulturrådets logotyp